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The Singers
- Bill Taylor. \
- Rebecca Kay \ …………………… ReBil
- Rich Whitehouse
- John Bent-Marshall
- Tricia Davies
- Ivor Keates …………………………… From Blackthorn Buskers
- Lyn Briggs
- Rod Livings
- Eden Tanner
- Roger Grimes
- Ken Langsbury
- Richard Boone
The Songs
- The Nutting Girl (1/2)(G/Man)
- Grateful For The Rain (Billy Boy) (2/3)(C/G)
- The Old Carmarthen Oak (4)(G)
- The Snow It Melts The Soonest (5)(U)
- The Greenland Whale Fishery (6)(U)
- Durham Lass (Own Song) (7)(G)
- The Claudy Banks (8)(U)
- The Leaves Of Life (9)(U)
- The Wild Goose Shanty (10)(U)
- Morton In The Marsh / The Jumper Song (11)(Mono/U)
- Proud Mary (12)(U)
- The Dimming Of The Day (1)(G)
- The Highway Man (3)(G)
- When The Morning Is Here (4)(U)
- The Longship (5)(U)
- Sally Free And Easy (6)(U)
- We Can Share The Moon (7)(G)
- The Two Constant Lovers (8)(C)
- A Song For Exmoor (9)(U)
- The White Cockade (12)(U)
- Nancy Lee (10)(U)
- Robin Hood And The Three Squires (11/6)(U)
- Here’s A Health For The Company (1/2)(G)
The Singers
- Veronica Lowe
- Jethro Forester
- Gilly Elkin
- Bill Taylor ………………………… From ReBil
- Roger Grimes
- Ken Langsbury
- Ivor Keates …………………….. From Blackthorn Buskers
- Rod Livings
The Songs
- April Morning (1)(U)
- Hills Of Connemara (2)(Uke)
- Where On Earth, (Own Song) (3)(G)
- Radcliffe Highway (4)(G)
- A Dear Little Maiden (5)(U)
- Meet Me Tonight In The Moonlight (6)(U)
- Tomo’bedlam (7)(U)
- Je Ne Regret Rien (1)(G)
- Mingulay Boat Song (2)(U)
- Matty Groves (3)G)
- Peggy Gordon (4)(G)
- Polly On The Shore (5)(U)
- To Catch Me A Small Bird Or Two (6)(U)
- Danny Leaver (7)(U)
- John Kanakanaka (8)(U)
- Flower In The Meadow (1)(U)
- Byards Leap (2)(Uke)
- I Don’t Blame You (Own Song) (3)(G)
- High Germany (4)(G)
- Banks Of The Sweet Primeroses (5)(U)
- Lloyd George’s Beer (6/7)(U)
- Tommy’s Dad’s Got A Tank (7)(Mono)
- A’roving (8)(G)
- Morning Train (1)(G)
- Sweeney Todd The Barber (2)(Uke)
- Love Isn’t Love Till You Give It Away, (Own Song) (3)(G)
- I Am A Rock (4)(G)
- Bogey’s Bonny Belle (5)(U)
- You Just Take The Rough With The Smooth (6)(U)
- Stormy He Is Dead And Gone (7)(U)
- Plaisir D’amour. (8)(G)