The Singers
- Veronica Lowe
- John Bent-Marshall
- Sheelagh Allen
- Karl Jennings
- Tricia Davies
- John Large ……………… From The Kings Shilling
- Pete Meek (Jethro) …… From The Kings Shilling
- Rebecca Kay ……..…… From Rebil
- Richard Whitehouse
- Bill Taylor ………..…..… From Rebil
- Megan Russell
- Eden Tanner …………… From The Kings Shilling
- Richard Booth
The Songs
- Loyal Lovers (1)(U)
- The Leaving of Liverpool (2)(G)
- Avondale (3)(U)
- Spend time With Me (Own Song)(4)(Uke)
- Shoals of Whiting (5)(U)
- Navigators (6)(U)
- Sound of Silence (7)(G)
- Norwegian Wood (8)(G)
- Tennessee Waltz (9)(G)
- Be my Luck (10)(G)
- Mary Hamilton (11)(U)
- Cold Coast of Iceland (12(U)
- The Sweet Nightingale (13)(U)
- Long Time Boy (1)(G)
- Solomon’s Garden (Own Song)(4)(Man)
- Four Strong Winds (2)(G)
- Chocolate Poem & Chorus (3)(U)
- My flowers, My Companions And Me (5)(U)
- Streets of London (6)(U)
- Hills of Connemara (7)(G)
- Tom Payne’s Bones (9)(G)
- Dawn of a Brand New Day (8/10)(G/Man)
- Gentleman Soldier (8/10)(G/Man)
- John Riley (11)(U)
- Horn Fair (12)(U)
- When Jones’ Ale Was New (13)(U)