Folk At The Club – August 05, 2024

The Singers

  1. Veronica Lowe
  2. John Bent-Marshall
  3. Sheelagh Allen
  4. Karl Jennings
  5. Tricia Davies
  6. John Large ……………… From The Kings Shilling
  7. Pete Meek (Jethro) …… From The Kings Shilling
  8. Rebecca Kay ……..…… From Rebil
  9. Richard Whitehouse
  10. Bill Taylor ………..…..… From Rebil
  11. Megan Russell
  12. Eden Tanner …………… From The Kings Shilling
  13. Richard Booth

The Songs

  • Loyal Lovers  (1)(U)
  • The Leaving of Liverpool (2)(G)
  • Avondale (3)(U)
  • Spend time With Me (Own Song)(4)(Uke)
  • Shoals of Whiting (5)(U)
  • Navigators (6)(U)
  • Sound of Silence (7)(G)
  • Norwegian Wood (8)(G)
  • Tennessee Waltz (9)(G)
  • Be my Luck (10)(G)
  • Mary Hamilton (11)(U)
  • Cold Coast of Iceland (12(U)
  • The Sweet Nightingale (13)(U)
  • Long Time Boy (1)(G)
  • Solomon’s Garden (Own Song)(4)(Man)
  • Four Strong Winds (2)(G)
  • Chocolate Poem & Chorus (3)(U)
  • My flowers, My Companions And Me (5)(U)
  • Streets of London (6)(U)
  • Hills of Connemara (7)(G)
  • Tom Payne’s Bones (9)(G)
  • Dawn of a Brand New Day (8/10)(G/Man)
  • Gentleman Soldier (8/10)(G/Man)
  •  John Riley (11)(U)
  • Horn Fair (12)(U)
  • When Jones’ Ale Was New (13)(U)

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